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Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Discover 50 Steps to Blogging Success

Tips : Blogging for Business.

Dear : BRAM IRIANTO (rockyblank)

Due to the overwhelming popularity of our last offer in connection with Blogging for Business - 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales, we've decided to offer this business blogging guide for the bargain price of $29 once again. To find out more, read on...

You've heard the news: blogging is the best way to deliver the information, interaction and inspiration today's consumers want.
With so many "how tos" out there on starting a blog, launching your own can seem like an overwhelming task.

That's why Wordtracker has teamed with international blogging expert, Chris Garrett, to create an exciting new e-book, "Blogging for Business - 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales."

From selecting the right name for your blog to creating a first-rate visitor experience, this handy guide shows you how you can use blogging to gain more customers, strengthen your brand and generate more sales.

You can find out more here, or read on for a special offer.
Inside the Book...

In "Blogging for Business - 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales," you'll learn how to:

• Select the right blogging software;
• Navigate the common pitfalls of blogging and avoid obvious mistakes;
• Create mouthwatering content that attracts your ideal audience;
• Spread the word about your blog – and build an email list;
• Transform your blog into a revenue-producing machine;

A blog allows you to attract new customers, build brand awareness, and inspire more prospects to buy from you. Not to mention the SEO benefits: the average blog attracts 55% more visitors and gets indexed 434% more by search engines than a traditional website, giving you exposure like never before.

A roadmap to success 

“Blogging for Business – 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales” lays out a practical, step-by-step process for developing a successful blog for your business:

1. We explain the theories
behind the use of blogging as a powerful marketing tool.
2. Then, we list the practical actions you need to take to build and promote your own blog.
3. This book is loaded with screenshots and how-tos, making it incredibly easy to follow, even for the novice blogger!

Proven insights from a blogging master 

“Blogging for Business” was written by renowned speaker, author and internet marketing consultant, Chris Garrett. The plan outlined in the book has been successfully implemented by Chris in his own career as a sought-after professional blogger. Since 1994, he has used his expertise to help thousands of individuals and businesses grow their companies by connecting with their customers online.

Now you can benefit from his advice – at a fraction of the cost he charges his consultancy clients.

Here’s more details about what’s inside: 

In “Blogging for Business – 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales,” you’ll learn:

• How to identify your target audience, get inside their heads and create the kind of content they really crave.
• How to solve the technical challenges and decisions you'll face before you can start blogging.
• How to determine your blog's unique selling point and blow away your competition.
• Why an ill-conceived blogging strategy can actually damage your company’s reputation – and how to plan smart.
• Which traffic building solutions will give you the best return on investment - and which are a complete waste of time.
• Why creating a phenomenal "visitor experience" is the key to generating more sales (and how to do it).
• Tried and true tips for converting casual blog readers into loyal subscribers.
• Why adding multimedia to your blog can make visitors warm up to you more quickly (even if it’s poorly produced!)

And here's what one of our customers says: 

'It is, without doubt, the best book on blogging I have seen in ages. Over the years I have bought every book going on blogging and this surpasses even the best of them. For anyone involved in blogging - or considering a blog - this is essential reading'.

Graham Jones, internet psychologist.

Buy today and save 26%

"Blogging for Business - 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales" is usually priced at $39. But since you're a valued Wordtracker newsletter subscriber, we're offering you a special limited-time deal: order the book within the next 48 hours and get the special May sale price of $29 - that's a 26% saving!

YES, I'd like to order now and save 26%!

The Wordtracker Money-Back Guarantee
We're confident you'll be thrilled with "Blogging for Business." However, if for any reason you're not satisfied with the e-book, just let us know and Wordtracker will cheerfully refund your money at any point within 30 days of purchase. No questions asked!

Remember, this exclusive offer expires in 48 hours, so you must act today! Order "Blogging for Business - 50 Steps to Building Traffic and Sales"

In the spirit of online success,
The Wordtracker Team

PS, When you put the valuable knowledge in this book to use, you'll no doubt recoup your investment many times over.

The special offer ends in just 48 hours, so order your copy today!

Kamis, 15 April 2010


Bagaimana kita tahu jika pendaftaran ke Google AdSense ditolak?

Pihak Team Google Adsense akan memberitahukan melalui email, tetapi pada umumnya tidak memberitahu sama sekali. Apabila dalam waktu paling lama 2 (dua) minggu belum ada jawaban dari Team Google Adsense lewat email, maka besar kemungkinan pendaftaran anda ditolak.

Apakah yang kini harus ANDA lakukan?

Sebetulnya pertanyaan ini sangat sulit untuk dijawab, karena pihak Google Adsense tidak pernah memberitahukan bahwa pendaftran kita ditolak, apalagi sampai memberikan alasan-alasan penolakan dan kekurangan persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi, seperti jika kita mengajukan permohonan SIM atau KTP.

Jika pendaftaran sudah ditolak, bisakah kita mendaftar kembali ?

berdasarkan pengalaman dari para webmaster yang telah lebih dulu berhasil, dinyatakan bisa, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

• Membuat web atau blog yang baru lagi ;
• Domain dan hosting harus membeli, karena Google AdSense akan menolak untuk yang gratisan, Contoh saja Domain blogspot;
• Memperbaiki atau memperbanyak content (artikel) berbahasa inggris atau bahasa lainnya yang sudah diakui oleh Google Adsense, karena untuk artikel berbahasa Indonesia tidak diakui oleh google Adsense ; dengan jumlah minimal 10 (sepuluh) artikel
• Blog anda telah memiliki pengunjung minimal berjumlah 400 pengunjung ;
• Blog anda telah memiliki peringkat pagerank minimal 2 ;
• Membuat alamat email yang baru lagi tetapi hanya khusus untuk Adsense, oleh sebab itu sebaiknya anda harus memiliki alamat email dalam jumlah lebih dari satu;

Sebetulnya peraturan tersebut diatas belum bisa dikatakan sudah baku, karena setiap saat peraturan dari Google AdSense bisa berubah, tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, oleh sebab itu kita diwajibkan untuk bergabung bersama Google AdSense, Inside AdSense, Google Buzz, Forum diskusi, dan sebagainya.

Apakah ada pembatasan untuk mendaftar kembali ke Google AdSense ?

Tidak ada pembatasan, bahkan anda bisa melakukan pendaftaran kembali secara berulang-ulang, bahkan menurut pengalaman yang sudah berhasil, sampai 4 (empat) tahun lebih, pendaftarannya bisa diterima, tetapi ada pula yang bisa lebih cepat.

Apakah AdSense sudah mati ? (The Death Of AdSense) – Benarkah berita tersebut ? Saya percaya pasti anda ingin tahu tentang kebenaran berita tersebut.

Jika anda penasaran dan ingin tahu cerita selengkapnya, silahkan anda kunjungi link di bawah ini
Abu Yervant.com
Dilla Blog.com

Saya persilahkan kepada para pengunjug untuk menambahkan Tips lainnya, guna melengkapi artikel ini.

Demak, 15 April 2010, Jam : 22.45 WIB
Email = rockyblank@gmail.com
Blog = http://www.AdSensekontengratis.blogspot.com

Is Adsense dead? I just read a free report called The Death of Adsense - SCOTT BOULCH

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

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07 Maret 2010, Jam: 21.25 WIB

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07 Maret 2010, Jam: 19.00 WIB

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Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Are you accountable?

Most organisations are insisting on greater levels of accountability from all employees and, as a result, responsibility, power and authority are finding their way back to all levels of operation.

For those not used to thinking in this way it can prove to be a major challenge. You’ll be required to consider the wider picture - possibly far beyond your standard job description - and work across the conventional departmental boundaries.

A results-oriented mentality can be of major benefit here. When processes are thought out and implemented based purely on the required outcome, both yourself & colleagues are far less likely to waste time and resources for minimal or no gain. Focusing on outcomes will hopefully ensure that you avoid the trap of always doing things in the same way although this way may ultimately get things done, it may not be the most efficient or practical.

The more intent you are on achieving the targeted outcomes, the less tolerant you’ll be of clumsy or unnecessary work processes. An increasing number of organisations are realising how approach can interfere with outcomes - you’re impact here can be dramatic by ensuring you’re driving towards the outcomes that count the most.

City of Demak, January 09, 2009, Time: 21:30 pm

Valid HTML 4.01 StrictValid CSS!

A day in the life of a wheeler dealer

In the final stages of business negotiations where even smaller contracts may be at stake, things can get very frustrating and time consuming, especially if something has been in the pipeline for a while.

It is important at this stage never to rush negotiations or overlook details as there is certain etiquette to be observed in the deal making stage:

Keep accurate notes of all meetings and clearly summarize all points agreed. This will help to minimize going back over old ground.

Agree time scales by when the contracts should be agreed, backed up by consequences if they are not met, such as delayed installation, clash of resources, stock not being guaranteed etc... Or simply stress the benefits that the customer can enjoy, as soon as things are sorted out.

Concede points slowly, even minor ones.
Never give a concession without receiving something in return.
Never call a person's bluff unless you have a winning hand.
Understand the customer's viewpoint before explaining your own.
Make sure you are dealing with people who have the authority to negotiate.

Let the customer win the points that mean the most to him, in return for you winning the issues that are most critical to you.

Keep your ego out of the way! More deals have been lost because of stubbornness and the inability to back down, when a little humility would have won the order.

Don’t give up, even if you seem to be locked in a stalemate situation.
City of Demak, January 09, 2009, Time: 17:25 pm

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

register your blog or website on search engines

After you build a new a blog or website, and you have to understand the ways to fill your blog or website is good, and has installed perfectly content, so the next step is very important and fundamental is promoting your blog or website, the search engines, with the hope blog or website you can get visitors in the number of much many visitors from around the world.

A blog or website that has a high ranking, if you have a lot of visitors and from various countries, but rather if the quiet visitor blog or website so you can say do not sell, and I know it can be seen from the value of Google's page rank, the lowest value is 1 (one) and the highest is 10 (ten), and in general the mark with Google's logo.
Sample logo google's page rank, such as the following:
PageRank Buttonhttp://www.AdSensekontengratis.com

To promote your blog or website, really easy and not too difficult, and has many variations, so depending on the suggestion or belief you choose one. The easiest way to make your blog or website can be popular all over the world and is a must for you to do, namely by way of showing your blog or website on search engine pages, in hopes indexed by search engines.
…..Read More……..